Maxim Korotchenko
1982 geboren in Astrachan, UdSSR
Zunächst Arbeit als professioneller Musiker (Klavier und Gitarre) und
IT-Spezialist, ab 2011 Beginn der Photographen-Karriere
2019 Winner of Siena International Photo Awards 2019 (1st place, «Sports in action»)
2018 Winner of HIPA International Photography Awards 2017-2018 (3rd place, «The Moment»)
Finalist of «Miami Street Photography Festival — 2018»
Winner of «Best of Russia — 2017»
2017 Finalist of «Sony World Photography Awards — 2017»
Winner of «Best of Russia — 2016»
2016 Solo presentation at the European Month of Photography 2016 (EMOP) (Gallery Pfundt, Berlin)
«Freckles» group exhibition (Gallery Pfundt, Berlin)
2015 Finalist «Lensculture Exposure Awards — 2014»
Solo exhibition, Astrakhan kremlin, Astrakhan, Russia
2014 Winner of «Best of Russia — 2013»
Winner of «BestPhotographer.ru — 2013»
Miami Street photography festival — 2014 Extra selection exhibit
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